Monday, September 26, 2011

Weigh in - 4 lb gain

Last week's weight: 246.6

This week's weight: 250.6

4 lbs GAINED

78.8 pounds lost since June 2010

Yep, it's totally possible to gain 4 lbs in a week. Want to know how I did it? Mexican food at 8:30 pm on a weeknight, 3 cookies and a bag of chips for lunch on Friday, noshing on french fries 3 days in a row with several beers thrown in.

Out. of. control.

All I can do now is get back on the wagon. I'm trying to remember to drink lots of water. I'm on my 3rd piece of fruit today and I had a veggie sub for lunch (with a banana instead of chips. Why doesn't Subway carry fresh fruit???)

When it comes down to it, I've let my busy work life catapult the rest of my life out of control. Now, I've gone taken 4 steps back and I have to re-lose 4 more pounds to get to my next goal.


All I can do is focus on how far I've come from a year ago. As I joined my sister's family on their annual vacation to the Smoky Mountains, I was able to do more with my 3 1/2 year old niece. We ran around a mountain top amusement park and rode water slides, the scenic skylift and jetted down the alpine slide together. There's no way I would have been able to comfortably ride those slides at 330 lbs.

Also, I was able to ride the swings with my niece, which she later told me was her favorite ride, and I KNOW at 330 lbs the belt on the ride wouldn't have fit.

So although I have not been very diligent the last few months on the weight loss front, I am now at a size where I feel comfortable doing normal everyday activities. And that isn't something I'll let 4 lbs ruin.