Thursday, August 19, 2010

cake, cookies and birthdays oh my!

Hello my name is Emily and I have a baked good addiction. Luscious cakes, chewy chocolate chip cookies, crusty bread. Anything with flour, sugar and eggs is my weakness.

This week has defeated me with TWO different kinds of cake, oreo balls and chocolate chip cookies. It was the roommate's birthday, I cannot be held responsible. Actually, I'm kidding, I know I can. I didn't HAVE to have a piece of cake every day for the past 6 days. I could have have chosen to go to the grocery store and pick up healthy food for meals and snacks.

Afterall, that's what this is about - choices. Right?

I was thinking today - as I was eating chocolate cake, of course - I never want to be that person that feels like she can never eat a piece of cake on her birthday or have french fries. You know, every once in awhile. But, I also need to get out of this habit of eating this type of food regularly - as in once a week or more.

I've only recently began to admit my food issues. Did you know it's not normal for you to eat Swiss Rolls while hiding in the pantry as a child? But that's what I grew up doing. I eat more when I'm alone. I make bad choices when I get too hungry. I can't stay away from the appetizers at a party. I eat out of boredom. I am a binge eater.

I know I have issues. I just am still learning how to battle them.

I weighed myself this morning for a mid-week check in and I'm up 4 pounds. Given what I've eaten this week - cake, ice cream, cake, a quesadilla, cake, chips and salsa, cake taco bell, and more cake - I can't act like I don't know what's wrong.

I started this post with the intention of posting my progress in inches, but after pouring these words on the page I think I'll save it for tomorrow.

PS: I finished W2 on Couch to 5k tonight. Saturday I will start W3 - I'm 1/4 the way to completing a 5K! That's 25% bitches!