There are a few people who made my experience at Fitbloggin' just so very awesome and it wouldn't be fair if I didn't introduce you to them and their respective space on the interweb!
Erin - Living Made Healthy - Erin was my Fitbloggin' roomie and we shared a hotel room Thursday night without even meeting until Friday morning. Now, in normal life this would be completely awkward, but in Fitbloggin' life this is NORMAL. Sharing rooms with complete strangers - or those you only know from the interwebz...totally socially acceptable. I couldn't have been luckier with my roommate choice and gained a new friend from it. And big news - Erin and her husband are expecting their first little one in January!
Kari - My Weighting Place - There are so many great things to say about Kari, but to sum it up, Kari is my long lost soul sister. Case in point: we both ran the Seattle Rock n Roll half marathon a year and 5 days before we met at Fitbloggin'! And we actually met in the bathroom, but didn't officially introduce ourselves until later when a group of us were setting out to dinner. She has lost 165 pounds and is a huge inspiration and cheerleader for me. She encouraged me to run the 5K and stayed with me (along with Erin) at my pace. There is just so much awesomeness that can't be fit into these few sentences, but know she is bursting with amazing!
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Kari and I with the *THE* Laughing Cow |
Alan - Sweating until Happy - I can't even tell you how long I've been following Alan and interacting on Twitter. Always a positive light, he reminds me daily to persevere and be optimistic about life. Fittingly, Alan was the first person I ran into at the registration table Friday morning when I finally got down there. Big hugs were had and the weekend wouldn't have been the same without his company hanging out in the hotel lounge with friends until the wee hours of the night.
Emmie - Skinny Emmie - Which brings me to Alan's Fitbloggin' partner in crime...I've known Emmie for about 2 years. Emmie's blog was one of the first ones I stumbled on when I was getting ready to set up mine (same first name + google, bless you universe). It's not really necessary to tell you her accolades because you already know and love her, but I will tell you anyway because she is awesome: lost over 100 pounds, finished a half-marathon in 2011, has persevered through an injury for 2 years and has not given up. She was my wino partner in crime at the good-bye reception and my night owl friend to boot. I owe a lot of this weekend to her.
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Me and Erin; Me and Alan: Me and Renee; Me and Alyssa |
Mel - The Daily Mel - Another veteran "followee" I have been interacting with on Twitter for ages. A Tennessee gal at heart, she now lives in Southern California. We literally went all day Friday without meeting up and I made it my mission to track her down and give her the biggest hug. She is witty, is an awesome Twitter conversationalist, and all-around solid person to call a friend.
Renee - Run, Laugh, Eat Pie - Renee is an expat who has lived in the Netherlands for the past 19 years where she traveled from to attend Fitbloggin'. Renee and I had a pop-up coffee date when we both headed out of the hotel lobby at the same time. She entertained my obsession with Stumptown Coffee - a Portland favorite. I may have gushed a little too much about my love for coffee and Sbux in general, but that's ok. I'm a coffee fiend and not afraid to admit it. Just by talking to Renee you know that doesn't live her life through excuses and that is totally kick ass.
Stephanie - Athlete at Heart - A Midwestern girl like me, Stephanie is my active living inspiration. From triathlons to half-marathons she is kicking butt in it all! She was kind enough to hang out with me for dinner both nights and join Sarah and I on the rooftop bar Saturday afternoon.
Me and Stephanie at the Goodbye Reception |
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Kari, me and Erin post-5K |
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Martinus, Alyssa, and Dre having fun post goodbye reception |
Every session had a Live Blog written about it, so if you are interested in reading more about Fitbloggin' and the content head over to the website.
Hi Em! Wish I could have met you sooner into the FitBloggin' conference, but it was nice to meet you in the lobby at The Nines! I look forward to reading more of your adventures...maybe it will inspire me to return to triathlons!
Awww, thanks for the shout out! I was watching for you on Saturday as well. I would've been devastated if we hadn't been able to meet at FitBloggin'. I'm equally honored to call you friend, too! xoxo
I love you so much Emily! How lucky was I to have run into you when I did?? Seriously, best spontaneous coffee date EVAH.
Fitbloggin is totally THE PEOPLE. I can't wait to see you again (and I secretly hope it's BEFORE the next Fitbloggin!!)
you made my day with what you wrote here - a total compliment in my book!
So happy we got to meet and hang out - although it seems forever ago now :(
LOL How did I miss this?!?!?!? I love that my shout out involves an inappropriate joke, because, well.. yeah. That's me. PANTS TWINZ FOR LIFE! I can't wait for you to visit, you are my bestie forever and ever and ever... and yeah. I have slight dependency issues ;)
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